The Virtual Lawyer – Introduction

Today, lawyers are not tied to an office. With the advent of the Internet, they can work anytime, anywhere. They can work from a client site, from home, or from a remote vacation spot. All lawyers need is access to people, information, and tools (e.g., software and computer systems). Having access to people, information, and tools doesn’t mean lawyers have to work all the time; it just gives them control over where and when they choose to work. The Virtual Lawyer is all about building the law firm of the future, enabling lawyers to meet in person or in cyberspace, access resources and information, and leverage systems and tools. The end goal is make the practice of law more creative (and less mundane), more productive and more profitable. The legal profession is changing, not just because of technology but also because people are changing and the institutions used to practice law are changing.

In this blog, I will share my journey in developing the “law firm of the future”. My perspective is that of a solo practitioner who wants to expand and grow his practice. I will explore new ideas for marketing, client development, legal knowledge, systems and equipment. I hope to encourage others to do the same. It’s a journey, of where and how to build a better law practice. This is just the beginning…

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